Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The title of this piece is Clarity, something I'm lacking at the moment. It is painted on a wood panel and has loads of depth, almost luminescent. This is a piece I just stare at, waiting for it to tell me what to do, I need to be told the next step, but even though the silence is deafening, I'm studying what clarity looks like so I'll know it when I see it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

cool event!

Performances by:Steve Brown - National Yo-Yo Master
Mark Hayward - Letterman Guest and World Juggling Champion
Aaron Bonk - Jack of all Trades, Smooth Operator
Only $2, and that gets you into the Ballroom for the Happy Hour Heroes,
and the Tavern to see Cobra Verde, The Dreadful Yawns, and The Twilight!