Monday, December 28, 2009

show me the money

As a very hands on person, I like the idea of investing in gold, rather than the 'on paper' stocks and bonds. To be able to see the gold and know that it's real and worth what I put into it...and will be far into the future, feels right to me. Okay, I've been influenced by my dad, he believes in investing in gold. Has collected coins of all sorts for many years. This has served him well and there is an ease that is not seen in the stock crowd.

My dad is in good company too, aside from all the people who are currently benefiting from gold investments, gold has been a source of wealth since ancient times.

This doesn't mean turning in my gold jewelry in for cash. I'm looking at buying actual gold and building a real portfolio. How very grown up of me.  Such a late bloomer, it is clearly time to give some thought to the future and not just what I'm doing next Saturday!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Winter Break

Winter break, time to regroup and refocus for the remainder of the school year. Check out online tutoring if need be.  The chance to breathe is good. The opportunity to really look at the kids academic strengths and weaknesses is priceless. As a teacher in a charter school, I'm very aware of the holes in teaching. Classrooms are designed to cater to the average student, driving the ones that excel to boredom and the ones that struggle in the dust.

Math problems are the enemy in my home and we could all use a little help, okay, a lot of help and math answers while we're being honest.  Online math tutoring is really the best I can do for my kids. I cannot be counted on as an authority. Getting by in math is not enough with the level of math knowledge they need. 

Good one-on-one tutoring is going to be needed for precalculus help and without a doubt statistics help
because personally, I don't even know what would be involved in their statistics class.

Now that my son is fairly clear on his direction, he knows there will be classes that he will most definitely need to do excellent in. Getting some chemistry help will be paramount to his success. There is no way he can build the best transcript possible without pulling his chemistry and math grades up.

I love the idea of online tutoring. Teens have such wacky schedules there is no way we can commit to yet another appointment. Being able to pop in when there is a need, is awesome and completely fits with our life.  


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Bye Goodie Two Shoes

New Years Resolution....No more Little Miss Nice's time. ( yes, this is an early resolution...I like to plan ahead) 

Wishing on a star


I'm dreaming of a Myrtle Beach resort.... baby it's cold in here.

Unseasonably warm weather in Ohio, has allowed me to keep my furnace off completely. The kids know I won't turn it up until there is actual snow on the ground...and since we are yet to see snow, no heat.
But since temperatures hit the low teens...I gave in and went to turn it on a few days ago, just to be nice.

Nothing. Turns out the furnace is broke. This is not good. Christmas shopping is nearly complete and they money is all wrapped up in pretty little packages now.

Knowing people, who know people, who know people is always handy though and the furnace guy is on his way. Yeah.

So the house will be cozy again...or cozy enough...and I can go back to planning my trip to the oceanfront Myrtle Beach Hotel...there are very nice New Year's Eve packages. Since I don't care so much if it's warm, heading to a resort in Myrtle Beach in January sounds like a plan. 

Walking along the beach, making New Years resolutions, wishing on a


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Road Trip!

Like moving, road trips are the most fun when it's spontaneous and slightly whacked. The improbability of hoping in the car and traveling cross country with days notice makes it even more fun.
Knowing your car is supremely important, check the oil, remember to look at the gages, fill with gas occassionally....and if there is an issue, take it in.

San Francisco auto repair is what I'll be typing in once I hit the opposite coast. Checking out all the possible places ahead of time is simply a good idea. Knowing where to service the Honda accord  is something my girlfriend and I should have checked out before hitting the road last time. 

We've learned the hard way for sure!  Thelma and Louise we are not....but in order to keep the adventures coming I'm willing to learn. Or at least learn where to find a guy to replace a timing belt on the fly.