Monday, August 22, 2011

Growing Wild

Today's post comes via a picture prompt with the phrase "Growing Wild"  from the GBE2 group.
        Some people 
                                        grow up.......
                                                                        .......others grow old...
                                                                                                                     ...I want to grow wild!

I have a basic direction

and a general idea of what I need
and loads of wild things to try. 

Now, before you get the wrong idea, I am not talking about "wild" as in rebellious craziness
I mean wild as in not contained, 
not tamed...
or declawed.

I do not want to be one who "apologizes for taking up space" 
No way.

Growing wilder and wilder 
with each passing birthday... 

(everyone knows Wonder Woman, but in case you are unsure of who Betsey Johnson is...)
she is a crazy, wild, fabulous designer. 
Here she is on her 69th birthday at the launch of her new perfume, Too Too

This isn't my version of wild....close, but not quite, I never could manage the splits...
besides, I would hope each woman would be her very own, very fabulous self

Grow Wild 
along with me
the best is yet to be 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


As you can probably see, I have a "Learn how to make a screenshot" tab open in the top right.  : )   it works, I learned how to take a screenshot of my FEATURE article on Yahoo! Shine. Sort of, it's not quite what I wanted. Close, but not quite.

I've been on this page before....just not the top dog. (and never had proof like I do today) 
"Are babies smarter than we think?" is mine, btw.  If you decide to read it, please ignore the rogue commas. I type fast and edit faster.

Trust that it will end with a Happily Ever After

......seems a bit ironic that TRUST is the topic when I am jumping back into the GBE2 group after a long absence.  But it really just amplifies my point. What point is that? you ask.  Oh, yeah, sometimes I forget all these voices in my head are not audible.

Trust is a tricky thing.

Trusting someone else does not always play out the way you think.

Trusting yourself is just as problematic at times.  ( people can be fickle as cats...)

Trusting that you will find the place everyone says, "Oh, you can't miss it"  is faulty. Yes, yes you can miss it.

But I have to say,

I love that place of trusting everything will be okay. 

Trusting that in the whole big scheme of things there is Someone in control 

and somehow everything all weaves together just right in the end. 

like a wild adventure/mystery/romance/sci-fi/thriller with a Happily Ever After ending.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This is my decision making style. 
"Leave the light on for me."
I may, or may not stop by.
(Not "green" in any sense of the word, I guess)

Leave a few doors open, carry a few extras just in case I change course mid-trip. 

This works for me. 

For example, unable to make a decision about my youngest daughters schooling, I went ahead and signed her up at two schools. Filled out all the documents, started preparing for both in a way. Like most decisions both choices had pros and cons. Unfortunately, the scales weighed out fairly even. It could go either way.

We discussed the options. I put a positive spin on the negatives.

 I have an incredible knack for spinning

Reality is the issue. She is my daughter. I know her quirks. I know that the one school will not work. Regardless of how "right" it is. How important it is to my "career" I cannot in good conscience send her off to the school that makes her anxiety attacks flare up. .....
although it was a little late for that. With only a week left until D-Day, she has been bolting up in the middle of the night, wracked by fear...waking me up again, and again...and again) 
This is not worth it.
Decision made itself. 


I sort of wish I would have made the decision earlier. Chosen a single path and walked it out. But then again, I wouldn't have known for sure if it was right. I would have second-guessed myself. I needed the clarity that can only come through pressure.