Saturday, June 2, 2007

Go FIsh

Publishing another weird piece of poetry that I wrote last year.

"......I've accepted your "Go Fish" piece for the summer issue....." ~Debris Magazine

this is fun.

Go Fish

when the prayer to be rescued is answered by a hook and a lacerated cheek
when the grand escape is nothing more than a suicide stunt for all to see
when you look down and declare yourself 'too small' and jump back into the poisoned pond
when being fillet, sauteed and even chowder sounds like a viable option
when the fish story .... is your story
the fishy is mired in the muck
not well
the cesspool has distorted her vision
played havoc with her hearing
corroded her looks
and yet the dreams are not disabled
the visions clear
she harbors a secret......
.......once it grows.....
she'll never be thrown back again.

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