Tuesday, August 7, 2007

studio...moved again

Changes, everything changes, all the time....crashing waves describe my life the best. My studio has been moved, again. I no longer have my spacious, four walled, actual room to myself. Now I am in the garage, one wall, that's it. This could be frustrating, but seeing as though I tend to go with the flow, regardless of how far those flowing waves decide to throw me, I'm okay with this move. In fact, as I was painting today in my new space, I realized a definite perk. Instead of having four walls, I now have one that opens wide to the outdoors. I suspect many brain cells will be saved due to this move.

My lastest project involves quite a bit of mess too....the close proximity to the utility tub is going to helpful, although nothing is really that far away in my little house, I won't be tempted to just wash up in the kitchen sink, just this once, anymore. ( then spend far too long cleaning the stains out of it!)

Plus I can easily move my paintings, easels and table along to the car for shows, and won't have to even leave the studio to shellac...just push a button and open the door. How convienent.

There is a pollyanna lurking inside of me, she's good to have around on occasions such as this.

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