Saturday, May 31, 2008

up and coming art shows

well, well, well....whatdoyaknow......been laying low for awhile now, but am being pulled back into the mix....very selectively., very very selective, turned down a few iffy venues and bad fits...settled on the following....

I'm setting up a show at the Treehouse in stuff goes up June 18th will be up during the two summer Art Walks, held on the second friday of each month. 20-some paintings/collage/sculpturey stuff, all brand new....

And...I'm participating in the JAR festival again this year, June Artists Review, downtown at the Galleria....this is always a great time, local bands, poetry,short plays, artists of all styles, the place is enormous, lots to see ........

Over 17,000 Square Feet to Showcase the Wealth of Art in Our Area.

The "JAR"We're Blowing the Lid Off the Art and Talent of Greater Cleveland!
Cleveland's First Truly Integrated Art Experience

And...June 28th is the David Lytle Memorial Foundation benefit dinner and auction...I am committed to donating a piece of art each year to be auctioned off. This painting is enormously hard to finish, too many emotions to handle sometimes, but it's coming together nicely. Dave was such a huge part of my life and really why I am confident enough to pursue this,( and my teaching, writing...) he encouraged me in a way I could 'hear'. I miss him intensely, but everyday am so thankful I had the time with him I did.

hope you all can stop in to see me at one of these events! I'll be the one with the too big smile, most likely laughing and gesturing for no apparent reason. :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

seinfeld moment

"what kind of dog does George Clooney have?" was the casual question posed....

"WHY would I know that?" was the too quick answer I gave....

Normally not an immediate reactor, my slightly self righteous, or condecending tone took me back a bit. Answering a question with a question, generally not a good idea either.

Once I realized everyone else at the table seemed to know all sorts of little facts about this man and his animals, I felt like slinking out the back door. Why, how, do they all know this? I don't know the names of all my friends children, definitely not their ages, or if they have pets....

To be honest I know alot of little factoids about this celebrity or that, i listen to the radio, NPR, World Cafe and stand in line at the grocery store and soak in all the magazine front covers ...but at the same time i have little interest in the lives of the rich and famous, the popular crowd just never had me envious. I don't really care how they lost their weight or if they gained ten pounds...or what pets they have.

Come to find out, he has a pot belly pig and did or does have boxers ( in case you are every asked...and if you really want to admit that you know) This is actually relevant .... in a round about way.... my kids came across a white boxer pup that was to be put down by the breeder, because she isn't show quality....well, in the midst of my deadline induced frenzy...i said another animal. So, Gertie, the 8 week white boxer is now mine. Just like George Clooney.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

rough seas

Dear Anyone,

I am in a funk, a serious nasty case of the down and outs. Things have been piling up on top of each other, a terrible tower of 'to do's'. Even though I really do love what I do for a living, all the pieces one by one are perfectly perfect for me, the deadlines this month have slammed me into a wall. I can't see a happy ending, even with my Pollyanna glasses on. There's too much, simply more than I can handle. I'm trying, squeezing every possible ounce of creative energy out of this vessel...but can't do it all.

I'm actually longing to do laundry or clean the bathroom, that is not normal.

The worst part is the deadlines, I don't mind the events so much, the dinners, the parents nights, the recitals... as the artificial 'complete by' mandates put down by the company I subcontract through. There is really no good reason to have these in place. I'm not so good with rules, ( hence the self employment), so the more I'm given these orders, the more I feel like rebeling...such a baby, I know. Writing this out is helpful.

All the school's are coming to an end, there are celebrations and events a teacher, I guess it looks as though I am a responsible adult, and so, get invited to chaperone trips. ( which I love ) Recently went as a driver/chaperone/judge to a fine art festival in southern ohio and in a couple weeks get an all expenses paid vacation to the Outer Banks..all I have to do is keep an eye on some graduated seniors. only, totally worth it.

There are only 36 hours left before this latest enormous project is due...those 36 hours have to include sleep time, coffee making time, potty time, talking to my kids time, maybe feeding the rate I've been going, this is a completely unrealistic timeline. I will give it my all, and probably hit it, just much as I hate rules and the same time, I love a challenge. Even if it throws me into the ugly lonelies and makes me want to toss my computer out the window...I will most likely do this again in a couple weeks and then probably bid on another completely unrealistic project .... get it..... and then long to clean my closet.....