Saturday, May 31, 2008

up and coming art shows

well, well, well....whatdoyaknow......been laying low for awhile now, but am being pulled back into the mix....very selectively., very very selective, turned down a few iffy venues and bad fits...settled on the following....

I'm setting up a show at the Treehouse in stuff goes up June 18th will be up during the two summer Art Walks, held on the second friday of each month. 20-some paintings/collage/sculpturey stuff, all brand new....

And...I'm participating in the JAR festival again this year, June Artists Review, downtown at the Galleria....this is always a great time, local bands, poetry,short plays, artists of all styles, the place is enormous, lots to see ........

Over 17,000 Square Feet to Showcase the Wealth of Art in Our Area.

The "JAR"We're Blowing the Lid Off the Art and Talent of Greater Cleveland!
Cleveland's First Truly Integrated Art Experience

And...June 28th is the David Lytle Memorial Foundation benefit dinner and auction...I am committed to donating a piece of art each year to be auctioned off. This painting is enormously hard to finish, too many emotions to handle sometimes, but it's coming together nicely. Dave was such a huge part of my life and really why I am confident enough to pursue this,( and my teaching, writing...) he encouraged me in a way I could 'hear'. I miss him intensely, but everyday am so thankful I had the time with him I did.

hope you all can stop in to see me at one of these events! I'll be the one with the too big smile, most likely laughing and gesturing for no apparent reason. :)

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