Monday, December 15, 2008

tree peeps in progress

Working on a collection of tree spirits, these are the raw wire forms, awaiting their paper skins and paint. They will all be featured in an upcoming show in Lakewood. I am having so much fun playing with wire again, spent a good two months teaching wire art, the forms, paper clay, painting...and didn't complete a single piece of my own! Have a few partially done, for examples and teaching purposes, but no desire to finish. ugh. normally I have something in the works and sketches and plans in my head, but it's been a numbingly difficult autumn.
Then one night while enjoying christmas specials, I pulled out some paddle wire and started twisting....this is the result......
there are a couple mermaids, a few little bug like ladies, plus the lovely reverent tree spirits. ( well, lovely in my mind at least, once they are properly dressed and displayed in their diaromas, you'll see what I mean)

At least this is a nice switch up from my sad poetry of late!

1 comment:

  1. Those are awesome!!! I love them!
    Not to sound like the dork that I am, but they remind me of the Ents from Lord of the Rings.
