Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ta Da! Finished Puppet Stage

 Friday was the big reveal. My high school art class presented their puppet stage and handmade sock puppets to the preschool class. We stayed to play with the kids (but basically just stood their while the little ones attacked each other with puppets)
 The cardboard I purchased to make this stage was MUCH harder to cut then I had initially thought. In fact, it took me all of 45 minutes to saw through one giraffe face hole and the main puppet area. Next time I will bring some sort of power tool and finish it off!  For now though the kids enjoyed checking themselves out as giraffes.
 Can anyone say, cute!  Puppets shown include the popular piggy puppet, alligator, frog, zebra, duck and some sort of furry monster.
 Some of my class watching an original impromptu puppet show. One little boy (in red) was fascinated by Julia : )
Sisters.  (and a puppy dog puppet) 
The entire puppet stage...some of the preschoolers...and some of the teens that worked on it.... The tree needs more holes cut out, like the giraffe side I will get to this next week!

Blogging Challenge!

Facebook is dangerous for home-based workers....I am easily distracted  ......* SQUIRREL! *..., but facebook is also the home base for a couple of my favorite writing forums. This morning while checking what transpired while I was sleeping (since many of the writers I know, work at all hours of the day and night), I found a link to a writing challenge.

  A to Z Blogging Challenge  is intriguing in it's simplicity. It starts April 1, 2011 and the main idea is to write a blog post everyday of the month ('cept Sunday) corresponding with a letter of the alphabet. 26 days in April minus Sundays = a day for every letter A to Z.

This blog, Secrets about Secrets,  is # 658!  that's a LOT of blog posts going out over the month of April.

My writer friend, Marie Anne, on her blog Marie Anne's Missives   posted her way of dealing with the overwhelming challenge. She signed up her other blogs in order to fulfill the challenge, while spreading the love amongst a variety of subjects.

I am giving that some other blogs are listed down the side and include, Body Mad, Always Learning and Sylvie a la Mode; dealing with Fitness, Education and Fashion respectively.  I have a few days to decide....I admitted in my previous post how much I crave challenges, and often race in to things that are clearly over my head, so, "true to form" I am actually considering not only signing up my other three blogs, but fulfilling the challenge on all four. hmmmm..... maybe, that is just crazy enough to be something I would do.

Join me in this leap Down the Rabbit hole?  Sign up for the A to Z writing challenge!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Challenge Addiction

I am never bored...if something starts to feel less than challenging, or fun...I move along. There are too many wonderful things to try in the world. I am not one to endlessly prepare, rather, I like to jump right in and give it shot. Most of the time I find myself WAY over my head, but when it is easy...and the tiny hint of boredom starts to creep in, I'm done. 

Yahoo! surprised me. Just a few months ago, I considered leaving due to low pay and lack of challenge  Well, now I have work piled up and it is very challenging.  Two daily sports beats, three fashion beats, a few random targeted assignments and a gadzillion parenting beats, or so it seems. ha.  Parenting was a topic I was a featured contributor in...and it was a topic I was considering dropping. Sure I have four kids, have been a foster mom and have oodles of experience....I just stumbled when coming up with 4 topics each month. Now I have to write up to twelve parenting articles a week. yikes!  Challenging....this is good.

If you ever want to try writing, start here. The link will take you to associated content from Yahoo!  Sign up, and start contributing! 

There are so many areas of my life where I just DID something, thought later. I encourage anyone to just give it a try. Stop second guessing, just get out there and do something ridiculous, scary and challenging. Failure is fine. You may be surprised at how fun it is just to say you tried.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “Do one thing every day that scares you.”  Love that.  Not every scary thing is big, most days I am scared of the silliest things, but it still counts.
Baby steps, baby.

Read anything by Keri Smith.  Her wacky ideas will have you dancing on top of the box you find yourself in. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I think I can, I think I can.....




Reluctant Artists, and How to Make Them Create...mmmwahhahaha!

The big puppet show reveal is high school students have been working on the stage and some ridiculously cute sock puppets. We have full hour to hang with the little class, play, laugh and enjoy their creative project. 

My Nemisis - Reluctant Artists
To say this particular class was difficult this year is a HUGE understatement. Somehow I ended up with a room full of kids who hate art, consider themselves completely unartistic and who inexplicitely do not like getting dirty. Sculpture making of nearly all varieties involve getting at least a little messy. Papier mache, wire, metal, wood...origami was the only approved form of "sculpture"  (did I mention I do not like origami...) 

I will MAKE them Create
So, rather than watch art projects get tossed in the trash before the next bell even rings, I came up with this GREAT IDEA. Instead of having the class suffer through another project, we were going to build a puppet stage and puppets as a gift for the preschoolers.  Oh and by "we", I meant "them", I stayed happily out of the creative process. Let them figure out the construction, all I had to do was provide the supplies, and a wee bit of direction.  

I created a Monster
But once they started, they didn't next class would be starting and a handful of high schoolers would be putting the finishing touches on a puppet, or painting one more flower.  Ah, success.   

This is not the finished will follow turned out AMAZING.  Whew....okay, now what?   I think artsy service projects are definitely the way to go with reluctant students. Back to the drawing board. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mini Golf! Art Project

My 5th period class and their "mostly complete" mini golf holes. Look what 26 kids, piles of cardboard, paint, tape, sticks and ping pong balls created....ta da!   Love these kids. : )   so what if I need a nap after I finally get home for the's worth it.   

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I recently started reading the book, SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Julie Morgenstern. Well, reading is sort of an understatement, with my schedule and short attention span, perusing is a better word. I've been scanning the pages, trying to find little pearls of wisdom that I can use.

From what I gather her plan involves four steps;
 1. Separate the treasures
 2. Heave the trash
 3. Embrace your identity
 4. Drive yourself forward. 

It is more than just a simple, straightforward 'get rid of clutter, organize your life' book.  I know how to declutter. I call it "trash bag cleaning" and do it with gusto. But I do hold on to a lot of stuff. And...most importantly and the reason why I picked up this book is that I am a little stuck. Lots of good things going on in my life. Loads of opportunity and potential....but I am NOT SLEEPING. I am TOO BUSY. The STRESS is catching up to me in spades.  I need a better focus and a plan.

Hence trying to squeeze a self-help book into the mix.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau.

Okay, I am living the dream so to speak. Years ago I wrote in my journal that I wanted to be a writer, artist and teacher.....I am all three. This is fabulous....but be careful for what you ask for!  I am unfocused and trying to do too much in all three areas. Basically I have two full-time jobs, demanding hobbies and four active children. Full-time freelance writer, full-time teacher, artist, roller derby, running...and never ending mom duties.

Writing- NEED to pare down my themes. I make a good income, but have numerous topics that I am trying to juggle. I might be able to do a better job if I was keeping on top of one or two subjects.
Teaching- Love it, but it is exhausting! Too many classes, too many big projects, and art shows galore. Will be paring this down next year. I won't quit....but I need to create a saner schedule.
Personal Art *This is where I SHED first- much to my son's dismay, I heaved a large amount of art that was just sitting in storage cabinets. I like empty shelves and the paintings were never going to hang in a museum. I pictured myself deciding what to do with them when I am 90...and out they went.

If the book shines a light on my life and helps me release some of the load...I will update.  Crossing fingers!

Mumford & Sons- Another New Folksy Favorite

Talk about being 'out of the loop'  I just "discovered" the popular Mumford & Sons when they played alongside the Avett brothers and the iconic Bob Dylan at the 2011 Grammy's.  Loved their style, their sound and the song "The Cave"

I listen to alternative radio stations, cruise college radio and consider myself fairly up to date with new bands, especially folksy or soulful types, but completely missed these boys.  Their Grammy performance was cool,  they looked like happy muppets in my opinion.  Each one of them completely immersed in playing their instruments with crazy intensity...and a smile on their faces.  Love happy people.

Adele- Sassy, Soulful Music

Ahhh, real music. Adele was born the year I graduated high school...May 5th, 1988...pretty close to the actual graduation date actually. 
This singer/songwriter has a musical style that is described as "heartbroken soul."
Perfect sound to just let play in the background while I paint, or write. It's sassy, soulful and real music. 

Adele 21 includes: 
1. Rolling in the Deep
2. Rumour Has It
3. Turning Tables
4. Don’t You Remember
5. Set the Fire to Rain
6. He Won’t Go
7. Take It All
8. I’ll Be Waiting
9. One and Only
10. Lovesong
11. Someone Like You

If the only song you've heard from Adelle is her often played, "Rolling in the Deep" you need to check out the rest of the album.