Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blogging Challenge!

Facebook is dangerous for home-based workers....I am easily distracted  ......* SQUIRREL! *..., but facebook is also the home base for a couple of my favorite writing forums. This morning while checking what transpired while I was sleeping (since many of the writers I know, work at all hours of the day and night), I found a link to a writing challenge.

  A to Z Blogging Challenge  is intriguing in it's simplicity. It starts April 1, 2011 and the main idea is to write a blog post everyday of the month ('cept Sunday) corresponding with a letter of the alphabet. 26 days in April minus Sundays = a day for every letter A to Z.

This blog, Secrets about Secrets,  is # 658!  that's a LOT of blog posts going out over the month of April.

My writer friend, Marie Anne, on her blog Marie Anne's Missives   posted her way of dealing with the overwhelming challenge. She signed up her other blogs in order to fulfill the challenge, while spreading the love amongst a variety of subjects.

I am giving that some other blogs are listed down the side and include, Body Mad, Always Learning and Sylvie a la Mode; dealing with Fitness, Education and Fashion respectively.  I have a few days to decide....I admitted in my previous post how much I crave challenges, and often race in to things that are clearly over my head, so, "true to form" I am actually considering not only signing up my other three blogs, but fulfilling the challenge on all four. hmmmm..... maybe, that is just crazy enough to be something I would do.

Join me in this leap Down the Rabbit hole?  Sign up for the A to Z writing challenge!

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