($3 sets from Walmart, $1 flip flops and $1 visors-two girls, two outfits, under $10, not bad)
Planning their outfits was not the end though, they also made fliers announcing the opening day of their Lemonade stand, made a collection of duct tape wallets and purses and slowly added to my grocery list, item by item...so I wouldn't "feel" the impact. :)
After swim team, they set up the stand at the first intersection of our neighborhood/a.k.a. the school bus stop and there they sat for several hours. Serving customers, having fun that only best friends can understand.
To say the sale was a success would be an understatement.
Due to all their preplanning, talking to neighbors and being overall very cute.....they pulled in $72 in profits.
Not kidding. SEVENTY TWO dollars.
(My older daughter wants to incorporate...build up teams of lemonade girls.....across town,
but I suspect they are all on to bigger and better things.)
The neighbors were all so sweet to these little entrepreneurs, tipping and coming back for seconds...even buying their homemade wallets and promising to come back next time. Love my neighborhood. :)
.....in response to the Nablopomo prompt of the day...."Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?"....it would be my little lemonade pusher, asking me to come help tear down the business...til next time.
Wow, maybe I need that kind of job! Great job girls.