Wednesday, July 25, 2012

in case of emergency - buy balloons

A few weeks ago, I was traveling home- in the car - alone - for hours....when that happens, my mind starts to spin and make wide leaps across reality...and then, when it is done playing I tend to make plans.

Not everything I plan out on those long trips has to happen - especially since, like those flighty twilight dreams, they can be hard to capture once I am able to put pen to paper. BUT - there are some plans so urgent that they require making phone calls to be sure they are not forgotten.

My family is fairly used to the frantic "I have to tell you this, so I don't forget" phone calls. But because they are so used to mom's crazy talk...I will post this on my blog - for the world to witness (or at least my nice little handful of readers)  Another reason this needs to be posted, is that I will be leaving tomorrow with all the people that know this important bit of information. We will be traveling together.....

.....and I will not finish that thought.

In fact, now that I got this far down into this post - I suddenly do not want to finish writing it at all .....

.....but will- for the sake of those who hung in there through my meandering thoughts thus far.

Balloons and Jammies
Short interruption to share this - very relevant story.  I remember my grandma telling me at the dinner table no less, that she wanted to be buried in her pajamas. She told me this many, many times. There was a Romeo and Juliet type story that accompanied it, but I won't go into that part....
she simply wanted to wear pretty pajamas at her funeral. 
When I attended her funeral - she was NOT wearing pajamas. She was in a dress. 
That bothered me. 
Still bothers me.

So. For the record. I want to wear silky pajamas. 
Not a dress, not slacks, not a silly suit coat - pretty pajamas...and my hair should be messy, it is ALWAYS messy - no need to be something I am not then.

Also, do not buy flowers. 
They are so expensive...and while I love flowers ~ahem~ I will not be there to see them. 

If you MUST buy me flowers, do it today. Thanks.

BALLOONS ~ balloons are happy, colorful, inexpensive and not necessary to pile in the back of someone's car so that they can eventually watch them wither.

That is all.

Balloons and jammies....if you want to eat ice cream and laugh, that would be a nice touch. Please talk about God amongst yourself, that would be most appropriate  - and,  if you know him, please make the proper introductions to those who don't. 

- now, please forgive this slightly morbid post... traveling makes me think of eternity and I figured along with remembering if I brought enough towels and everyone's toothbrushes, mailed the bills and found someone to take care of the dog - I should make a note about this little detail. 

bon voyage!


  1. I love, I mean LOVE the idea of balloons at my funeral! May I borrow that? I would like a few yellow roses, just because, but otherwise...oh yes, please balloons and happy stories!

  2. This is so cool! I love that you want to wear jammies and have balloons. Awesome!


  3. I agree that balloons are happy and colorful; however, some of these party stores can charge a lot for balloons too.

  4. You summed this up for me as well. In fact, when I die I'd like to think that those left behind can find a way to sell my body or something. At least donate it to science and maybe get a tax deduction. Cemetery plots and all the things that go with burial seem like such a huge waste.

    Wrote By Rote

  5. Oh what a nice collection of bits and pieces. I love that your family is so used to your nutty calls that you had to do it here, and I love the idea of jammies and balloons at a funeral. That balloons could be such a nice symbolism--everyone letting go...

  6. lol. loved that she wanted to be in her pajamas. I mean, seems the most comfortable. And a wish that should have perhaps been honored. Though I guess might raise some family eyebrows...too bad death has to be so complicated.
