Sunday, May 1, 2011

Z to A in May - What the Hay

Well here I go again....this time backwards :)  "Z to A in May" was the brainchild of Marie Ann, a fellow writer with a knack for blogs. She pulled four of her blogs through and commented on who knows how many other posts. I am awed by her awesomeness.

Challenge starts May 2nd. If you want to join in with your blog, hook up on this Write, Wrong or Indifferent post that outlines the rules and lists all the participants.

  Aside from this challenge, I have a few other major goals for the month of May;
* Keep up on my Yahoo! beats - on time=maximum articles, I've been slacking on my daily sports beats :( even though those articles really pay the bills!
* Work through the next 30 days of alive, that program is TOUGH..but I have an out of town wedding to go to in June and WILL NOT be the chubby chick, or crab because of my flab!
* Up my rating on a particular ghostwriting site. I haven't taken it terribly seriously in the past and my score reflects more. I will be giving them my best and in turn...
* Double my income in May.....okay, this is ambitious, but entirely doable.
* Plan my gardens....normally, I have several drafts of plans by March, but the weeks just flew by this spring and I only vaguely know what I want to go where.
* Oh, and the other challenge. A group of Associated Content writers are planning on doing an A to Z challenge with our article a week for 52 weeks - A to Z.  I am considering following a theme..anti-aging articles, or art-related content, or maybe all sports related, in order to fit into other writing goals I am working towards.....



  1. I'll be Z-Aing right along with you. I love that you have set such ambitious goals...I'm trying to lose the flub, and since it's almost time to put on a swimsuit, I guess I'd better get to it!

  2. Sylvia, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

  3. I won't be doing the Z-to-A challenge, but I did enjoy the A-to-Z challenge. I'll still be visiting your blog, tho. Good luck with all your goals!
