Sunday, September 30, 2012

BlogFEST 2012 info to go

Clicky Click here to join us on Facebook

 Let the wild BlogFEST of 2012 begin!  

I'm posting this as an invitation to other bloggers & as an explanation (a.k.a. warning) to my readers.

~Starting October 1st, 2012, we have 27 Hosts scheduled to bring you 27 different prompts, one prompt a day (except Sundays) for the entire month of October.

 ~Each day around midnight Eastern time (US)--the BlogFEST page will introduce the HOST OF THE DAY and will be providing the URL to their blog right here on the BlogFEST 2012 Facebook page. 

~Click the URL provided to be taken to the Host's blog, to get your blogging prompt for the day.

27 days 
27 posts
Let the wild rumpus start!


......More info from the facebook page - that you would know all about if you clicked the link - here it is again, for those who skipped that part BlogFEST 2012

~***Please be courteous and leave the Host some comment love.***

~Interpret the prompt however you want-- and post it to your blog.

~Be sure to link back to the Host's URL (the one provided to you on the BlogFEST 2012 FB page) if you want to be eligible for the small giveaway at the end of BlogFEST 2012.  (See Giveaway Details Note on the BlogFEST 2012 Facebook Page).

~Then come back to the BlogFEST 2012 Facebook page and Leave the URL to YOUR blog post on that day's topic in the daily thread.  (Instructions will be given each day to make it clear for you.) This way the Hosts and other participants will be able to visit your take on the prompt for that day.  You can also get the links that other bloggers have left for that same topic and visit them... yes this is going to be one great BlogFEST!!

Starring Jenn from Wine-n-Chat as Max  


  1. Thank you for helping to get the word out about BlogFEST 2012!! It is going to be great!! I'm pretty excited to kick things off tonight!!

    Cheers, Jenn (Max)

  2. thanks for setting this up -and by the way, I'm SOOO glad I am not day 1! thanks for that :)
