Thursday, September 13, 2012

Distracted by Pinterest

Okay - I admit it. I have been cheating on my blog with Pinterest. Instead of tossing words down here when I have time - I am scrolling through image after image on my phone. The visual feast has been satisfying for the most part. I have learned things. It's true.  I am a better person, more organized and creative, thanks to Pinterest.

Okay, not really - that is just the addiction talking.

But I have found some nifty ideas and accomplished at least one silly goal....

I am technically laundry-challenged, but still made this ridiculous over-the-top declaration this year -

"My son will have the Cleanest Football Pants on the team"

Now, this is no easy feat - he does not sit the bench or even leave the field during the game most of the time. He plays offense, defense, and is the kicker, and the punter....and is simply a mud-magnet.
But - I figured a scrub brush and dedication to the task would be enough (along with copious amounts of bleach ...but not too much, I was going for the no holes look)

beginning of the season 

bring it, baby
Too bad he couldn't be green again this year - green pants, seriously brilliant. - Actually, brown football pants would take the pressure off moms everywhere, but no matter - I am up for the challenge! (I said foolishly)

Now for a little photo montage to illustrate how ridiculous this declaration really was/is  (I have not given up)

Yes, that is my son #48 with the mud-caked behind
note the boys around can still tell their pants are supposed to be white, and they are wearing shoes - not blocks of mud.

Here he is all proud of himself.
He thought it would be a GREAT idea to slide face first into a giant puddle
Just for fun, mind you, practice was over. 

this is Joe - not at a football game
mud magnet I tell ya! 

Anyways, I have managed to keep his pants clean - but fell short of the WHITE - they were getting a little, um yellowy from all the bleach I think. - have no idea how that works or why... bleach=white, right?  guess not.

Enter Pinterest

A quick search on laundry tips brought up a brilliant idea and a recipe for making whites white again, complete with pictures. I like pictures.

ooooo chemical concoctions - this should be fun. So I bought all the supplies and YES - not only did the house have that "Wow, your-mom-really-knows-how-to-clean smell" it put me back in the running for the


okay, yeah, whatever there is no such award - but Pinterest is proud of me.  Okay again, that is not true....

here is the truth

Pinterest makes me look good.

Pin on sisters!  

(and brothers, and random people of the world)

thank you for all your hard work


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