Friday, April 1, 2011

B is for Behind

Like my son pictured here I am BURIED in work....Behind is an understatement....but I didn't like using buried as the "word of the day"  So I chose behind.  
This past week I had been waiting for an answer on some applications...which had me stewing and checking and rechecking emails throughout the day. 
Plus, it was spring break... and there is spring cleaning to do
and gardening
one more reason to choose Behind as the word of the day
Because, I have chosen freelance writing as a career
my behind is bigger than before
B is for Big Butt

I said it

Boo-ya! time to get my butt in gear
baby steps baby
bye bye



  1. I'm behind right along with you. Bye!

  2. Buried in work, and most of it my own making too unfortunately. I want to write here, write there, respond to this and that, and I just don't have the time. It doesn't help that I tend to distract myself as well.

    The challenge doesn't help either, but it's fun to do and great to make new friends and to get to know old ones better.

  3. So that's what happened to my B - hind!

  4. very cute! :) I know the feeling!

  5. Such a fun post! I understand "behind". It should actually be my middle name these days.

  6. Hee hee! Thanks for the giggle!

  7. Hehehe! I hope you're able to get caught up soon! :)

  8. That was fun to read.
    I think that it gets funnier as I think more and more about because, although I am not a freelance writer I am also behind in many things and my Behind is also getting bigger.
