Friday, April 15, 2011

M is for Moment

What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. 
And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. 
Right now.

I had a completely different post planned for M, but I just came home from a painful wake and realized, once again, how fleeting life is. How people are just people. I hugged, laughed and cried with a roomful of people I hadn't seen, for the most part,  for over ten years. 
It didn't matter at that moment. We know each other. We care about each other. 
Time is passing by so fast. 
(really, I did not plan on getting all philosophical today)  

Moments are Magical 
Pay attention


A new bloggy friend, Word Nerd, used my post on making a list of 100 favorite things to fulfill her L requirement on the A to Z blogging challenge. Her list is perfectly, uniquely hers-but I can see some definite clues to being a true kindred spirit. For example, #48. Ratty old Levis—holey knees earn them bonus points. #49. Books. Lots and lots of books. #68. My well-broken-in cowboy boots and Betty White. Seriously, this is clearly one cool chic.


  1. Yes she is one cool chic but so are you. Each moment is so very special - and you nailed just why here.

  2. Awww, I'm sorry you had such a rough day. It's weird how it sometimes takes a wake for us to reconnect with people we do care about, but just seemed to have lost touch with.

    And thanks for the linky love--you (and Lisa) are both pretty cool chicks. :O)

  3. Time flies past so quick doesn't it. I think we realize that more as we get older, and with our lives being far busier than they used to be years ago, it's hard to find the time to stop and smell the roses, and to do all the things that we ought to do while we still can.

  4. Wonderful thought! I’m stopping by from the A to Z challenge and I look forward to reading more from you.

  5. Visiting as part of the A-Z Challenge!

    Time does pass quickly; moments can just zip by.

    Great post!

  6. Beautiful post and so true. Sorry about your day, but it seems you took something from it and made it good.
    Gems x

  7. It was a very nice idea! Just wanna say thank you for the information you have shared. Just continue writing this kind of post. I will be your loyal reader. Thanks again.

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