Wednesday, April 27, 2011

V is for Vision

V is for Vision....visualize....victory....
There is something to be said about knowing where you want to go. Whether or not you buy into the whole "Secret" theory, or other well-played marketing strategy, visualizing what you want to see happen in the future produces a whole lot more success than just flopping around in the dark.  Setting goals and visualizing success is better than the alternative. So even if you don't take the time to create "Vision Boards" or have a list of affirmations on your mirror, visualizing what you want to see happen often works.

V is also for Victim. After a string of bad events in my life, I could have played the victim card. It would have been easy. I could have used that as an excuse....but (aside from a few whiny, woe is me moments) I realized that would really serve little purpose. I don't want my kids to see me as a victim and give them that card to play as their birthright. No, something happened. Move on.

V is also for Veyda, my little girl. Her unusual name means "beloved" in Hebrew. It is the feminine form of David. She was my miracle baby. It was an extremely dangerous pregnancy, since I had to have an even more dangerous surgery only a few months before she was conceived....much to the doctors horror. My doctor did not believe I could even be pregnant, let alone carry this baby to term....
Every appointment she'd outline everything that might go wrong, the best was, "if your tummy starts to feel warm to the touch, that probably means internal bleeding and your chance of survival is slim" Thanks doc.
Veyda made it to nearly 8 months....she's healthy, I'm healthy and we are blessed to have her in our life.
 (Click here for the rest of the story)

V is also for Vanilla. I just have to say, Vanilla is NOT the same as plain or boring. Vanilla is a flavor. You can choose vanilla and still have a personality. Just saying.



  1. I got a miracle baby as well, and went through a similar experience with the doctor's not believing I was pregnant and then worried that I wouldn't go full term.

    I'm an advocate of creating a vision as well. I believe the unconcious mind works in my favor when I have dreams that I believe will turn into my reality. My post today was on wishes and turning them into real life.

  2. Your Veyda is a beautiful little girl. I agree with you that we all experience trauma in our lives. We have a choice about whether or not we want to play victim. I choose not to play that role.

  3. LOVE your V post, Sylvie :) Your Veyda is beautiful and I agree with TC Mckee...catapult from the bottom. You've encapsulated this wonderfully! Cheers :)
