Monday, April 4, 2011

C is for Celebrate!

The A to Z blogging challenge letter of the day is C and my word of choice is Celebrate!  I am fool for birthday celebrations. My family has a host of slightly ridiculous traditions....most notable are the pink bunny ears for the birthday shown on my adult son :)  These were recently joined by a pair of silly spectacles to help complete the required birthday attire.  We believe in the magic of birthday dust. Truly, madly deeply believe. Special things happen on birthdays. 

"Celebrate what you want to see more of" ~Thomas Peters 
( Personally, I want to see A LOT more birthdays! )

You do not have to wait for a birthday to celebrate though. Make your life a celebration. Leave the blase' unresponsive behavior at the door thank you very much.


1. Laugh a lot. Listen to other people laugh.....can you believe how many different laughter there is in the world?  Stop taking everything so seriously.
2. Sing!  Don't worry about your voice. If it is as horrible as mine...see tip #1 and laugh it off. 
3. Say something nice. If you have nothing nice to say, then shut your mouth and seal it with a smile!
4. Spend time with people. People are more important than things. 
5. Create something. Anything. Paint, draw, make a cootie catcher. (directions on my Always Learning blog) 
6. Start your own traditions. Something as simple and ridiculous as my family's, not so secret, ritual of dancing when the elevator door closes works.
7. Make your own fun. Bored? What!? Plan a impromptu party, try a new recipe, hula hoop, ride a bike... 
8. Try something new, something you are bad at, like #2 singing...or ice skating....or whatever I am doing in this picture....  : )

We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out."
Ray Bradbury



  1. Fellow A to Z Challenger stopping by to say hello. I agree - I want to celebrate lots and lots of birthdays. Great post!

  2. Those look like some really fun celebrations.

  3. Wonderful! Laughing and singing are my favorite things. :) I am digging the bunny ears and glasses! hehe

  4. What a fun post! I want to come celebrate at your house.

  5. I love this! I also love your birthday traditions. I want to "steal" this idea for my family, starting with my daughter's b-day in less than two weeks. Time to celebrate! :D

  6. I love all your tips for celebrating. :) (Your Velveteen Rabbit quote is pretty cool, too.) :)

    I’m blogging through the A to Z Challenge. You can read my blog “It’s a Sweet Trip” at

  7. Loved these tips! I agree, you have to make the most fun you can out of the daily things that come up! So many people around me (at work, mostly!) seem unhappy because their attitude keeps them down. I've noticed just by smiling, *I* feel happier, and if I smile at others it seems to perk them up too! It at least makes them nicer to ME...

    - allison writes
