Sunday, December 21, 2008
Recently I joined a roller derby league and learning the moves and failing, is ugly, but necessary. Looking ridiculous is really an act of sheer bravery. As ugly as it is, to be too afraid to attempt something out of fear of looking silly, is so much uglier in the long run. It'll interfere with your future in ways unseen, shrink your world and make appearences more important than passion for life...not pretty.
These little monsters are on their way now, their initial layer of skin is in place and they sit, brave and ugly. Exposed to the world in their raw forms. The process is rewarding, the wire cuts my fingers and make me bleed, then the glue and paper form a tough to remove film all over my arms and hands....then the sanding and the's messy messy, messy. like life itself, I love it. naked mermaid
Monday, December 15, 2008
tree peeps in progress
Then one night while enjoying christmas specials, I pulled out some paddle wire and started twisting....this is the result......
there are a couple mermaids, a few little bug like ladies, plus the lovely reverent tree spirits. ( well, lovely in my mind at least, once they are properly dressed and displayed in their diaromas, you'll see what I mean)
At least this is a nice switch up from my sad poetry of late!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
peaking under the rock
it's cold
and suffocating.
can't escape.
larger than life.
the truth
lost my grip.
why i ever held on.
let go.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Lonely likes to hit me over the head, mainly at night when I least expect it. Blindsides me with weapons I have no defense against. Nothing subtle about this fellow. He envelopes me in a frozen sort of pain.
I never quite know what to do when he shows up. His very presense blocks me from making plans, and holding a conversation is a struggle when he is standing over me.
I've heard rumors there are others like him, harassing people. It's their thing I suppose. Move away, they follow. Tricky fellas to get rid of.
Sometimes he lets me go and I can pretend I never met him... for a brief moment....when he finds out I've been cheating on him with Happy.... well, it's not good.
One day I'll gather the courage to leave him behind forever. For now though, I'm sitting here with Lonely, while him and his cousins Sad and Pathetic tell stories and laugh at my expense.
Monday, November 10, 2008
dig out
i have to make myself organize
force myself to pick up and put away
piles are easier than order
yet eventually cause stress
as things are lost or forgotten
lies are easier than truth
though piles of lies eventually cause stress
"where's the truth in all this mess,
where'd i put that memory,
did it actually happen?
maybe not.
i might have dreamt it.
or imagined..."
handmedown piles of lies are harder to organize
seem impossible to sort out
make sense of
but just like the piles of stuff
the layers can be peeled back
sorted through
toss the junk
eventually the truth will turn up.
hand me down rose colored glasses
are permently perched over my minds eye
It never occured to me to remove them
they were given with such love
Over the years they've served me well
Filtering out the ugly
Transforming pain
shielding me from reality
yet their frothy pinkness
often allows me to walk into
without seeing the danger
everything and everyone
looks pretty in pink
it may be time to put these handmedown glasses on the shelf
take a clear look around
and see
where i am
how i got here
where i'm going.....
Memory Martini
Shaken so hard over the years
poured over jagged rocks
filled to overflowing
garnished with pretties
a shaky hand spills
just a little
lost just a fraction of an ounce
you wouldn't miss that splash
if it weren't for the stain
the stain that won't wash out
won't come clean
the truth is a lie
the ugly wears handmedown rose colored glasses
transforming pain with it's frothy pink layers of pretend
Memories don't have to make sense.
Stories are used to soothe
to quiet the tears
to lull back to sleep
just gulp it all down
and let the haze overtake.
Friday, October 3, 2008
My Good Day
This school year started without me, since my ten year old was in the hospital for most of September. It was a rough go, and when the bills start rolling in...well.... but he's healthy and home again and that's what matters.
So, today was my first day back. I was a little nervous walking in to 'my classes' that were already started by someone else, someone I've never met, who doesn't know what I meant by, "Creativity Explosion". But it went well, better than expected, still riding the high of a day well spent.
This is what I would do even if I didn't paid, now that's the mark of a good career choice.
In fact, if I ever did fall into a huge vat of money...I'd simply do more of the same. Teach more more children...for places where art is a luxury that isn't even considered.
I get far more out of the experience than they do, I have to admit. Confidence is not something that comes easily to me, but put me in a classroom, and I'm home.
For a few years now, I've taught creative writing and poetry with a few random art classes thrown in here and there. Put together a spy science classes where we made great spy gadgets and talked espionage, was hired as a mad scientist to travel about and do wacky experiments. BUT this year is my year.
I proposed Creativity Explosion and it was accepted. This is the art class of my dreams, the one I would have wanted to take as a kid.
In other words, I had a good day.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
lie in wait
a missing key
one faulty letter
turns it to scrap
t-e letter "I-I" is very important.
I can't say t-is, or t-at, or t-ank you or -ello.
till later
Friday, August 22, 2008
Rally in the Alley
We are the charity working the upcoming Labor Day Rally in the Alley events and are short on LABOR!
Drag a friend along, make a friend, bring a stranger...whatever! Give us your Saturday or Sunday night for a great cause, listen to great bands and have a blast...
Saturday 8/30 ZOSO (Zepplin Tribute)
and Sunday 8/31 WISH YOU WERE HERE (Pink Floyd Tribute)
We need help manning the beer trucks, the ticket booth, merchandise tent and floaters...and people willing to "lei" the crowd :) In honor of David, we sell lei's through out the night, he'd be so proud.
If you are available....please contact me as soon as possible. Alan Pratt is freaking out.
my email is
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tremont Art Walk
August 8th, 2008 Tremont ArtWalk Friday 6 - 10 p.m.
1 Duck Island 2001 Freeman
A giant tree behind the bar and a long beer list are often joined by Irish musicians.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
TAG you're it
(one of our fellow classmates who was in a tragic accident this past April.)
Shane Potter in particular, asked and as the night went on practically pleaded for me to throw the word out that they need help getting the house ready for Curt, so he can come home.
"bodies" he kept saying, "we need bodies"
I know it's a huge burden on many of Curt's friends to divide their time between making an income for their family and helping out the Lucas's. ( of course they weren't complaining, but there was alot of emotion over the whole situation, as I'm sure you can all imagine... those of us who were close to David have been there)
Curt and Jill's house needs serious renovation/adaptation in order for him to come home and get around. So much is needed, mostly time and energy. As you'll see in the their blog, they need... people to help out with Electrical, Plumbing, Excavating, Roofing, Siding, Heating & Cooling....much of the work has started, but there is so much to do still.
Brainstorming...any ideas, help, time....would be be greatly apprecitated.
And not just by Curt and Jill...but the community at large and by people like Shane who have been splitting their time between making a living for their own family and donating their time and services for the Lucas's.
tag, you're it!
PLEASE pass the word
thanks :)
here is Curts address at the VA hospital if you want to send him some love
Louis Stokes Cleveland Dept of VA Medical Center
10701 East Blvd
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Monday, July 14, 2008
balance of gifts
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Here is your AstroSlam for Sunday, July 6:
You'll be very proud of yourself for multi-tasking today, but you shouldn't be. The only reason that you're able to run around and do a bunch of different tasks is because you're a failure at prioritizing. Learn how to focus, dude.
why i subscribe to this little uplifting horoscope is beyond me! although, it is frightfully appropriate today.
This morning in my head and in my journal I had a little identity crisis going seems I've come to another cross roads...and haven't a clue the best direction to go.
I love the open-endedness of my career choice, there really are numerous avenues for me to pursue and when I get bored of one role, jump into another.
I like having a closet full of hats, so to speak.
At the moment, I don't feel like a hat person.
This fall brings teaching...only 2 days a week....since I opted out of a full time schedule to leave room for other pursuits...and cut down on driving. How wise is this? I don't know.
I am consistently unstable, the state of limbo is my home, the only given is my role as a mom, I took on that postition for life.
My sketchbook is full of ideas, too many ideas. I'm in the place where the ideas are coming too fast and it's paralyzed me. To start one thing, would mean leaving the others behind, along with all the what if's. It may seem like a strange problem to complain about, but the unrest is frustrating, I don't want to choose.
Julia Cameron in her book, "Walking in this World" has a chapter about this phenomenom. "Week 7, Discovering a Sense of Momentum" where she not only descibes in detail the whirling energy and logjam of creativity...but also the dangers and solutions.
"you must take some small step or the ideas will remain jammed up and the creative pressure will continue to escalate. When it does, it will often manifest as attacks of self doubt and self loathing, "I am so stupid!" you might wail" ( and believe you me, i have! )
She says the trick here is to start siphoning some out...not add more in. In our culture we are trained to deal with anxiety of all forms by putting more in. ( I am very good at this )
more of anything, drink, food, stuff, commitments, work projects, overexercising...
She warns, do not call to talk to anyone, write a letter if you must, no more words in...only words and actions out. This is good advice, there are moments ( like today ) when I have a hair trigger, when the dualing radios are at risk of having me declare a electricity fast, when the neighbors chatter drives me insane! SHHHHHH!!!! I want to shout, but wouldn't, the smile is plastered on my nodding head, while I plot my escape.
"if your head is awhirl and you cannot think straight, then start by straightening something up..." okay, so I cleaned my desk. That felt amazingly productive. Next up...
laundry, fold neatly, hang, put away, clean cupboards, write thankyou notes and on and on...there is power in the details. Sorting out my little corner of the world, helps me find my place in the great big world.
Here's the best part though......
In this chapter she also talks about the sudden strobe light clarity we sometimes get, when we catch a glimpse of our future.
Where we "know" what's going to happen, but have to wait for reality to catch up.
The old has to finish falling apart and the new has to finish coming together.
(That is a great line...not verbatim from the's just how my mind twisted it. Generously paraphrased and taken slightly out of context, but it works for me.)
The shock of seeing my reflection in a new mirror, causes everything I own to look out of style. But, I can't arrive at my destination with so many loose it's time to start putting everything in the present reality in order, finish all the half done projects...or toss them once and for all. Detox the house, purge it of all the excess, make it sparkle.
It clears up the vagueness.... and... what do you know....restores focus.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!!
Happy 4th of July!!! my second favorite holiday of all time ( after my birthday of course)
Spent yesterday with the Orange old soccer team and their families...laughing, eating, fireworks, fun... then today....parade in the morning, massive pool party, gorgeous weather
patriotic, yes, but mainly i think it's everything rolled into one...
seeing friends, crazy loud!!!, fire!!! dark!!! danger!!!
a holiday with very little prep time, no gifts to buy, no cards to send, a watermelon is a welcome offering, even i can't screw up a watermelon. :)
Hope you all enjoy your 4th!
Monday, June 30, 2008
so what do you do?
facing this way...
( my crazy messy desk! the purple bird was a gift, her name is Stella)
.....or that...
( work in progress...actually this used to be a painting i never quite liked, so i'm reusing the canvas...coat one.)
sometimes i'm in the office....shipping department
or pulling prints.... restoration work...or listing online....or packaging....
this has been the focus of much thought, especially now, with the 20 year reunion coming up...i wonder, how to answer the question...' so what do you do for a living? '
i could honestly give a different answer to most people, and if I figure in all the grouping possibilities, i may be able to give a different answer to everyone who asks....what a concept, a challenge.
I guess once the studio opens, that will be the main answer to give, i own a studio...but that starts up a whole new realm of possible answers...teaching, in my own studio, holding shows, running the shop...
and then...a artistcreativewriterpoetantiquebookrestorerantiqueprintsandmapdealerartteacher
Sunday, June 29, 2008
living shadow
I had to explain this painting.
It's simple, plain and not really all that exciting...but there was a purpose behind it.
Out of all the ideas I had and all the paintings I started, this one begged to be finished.
To be the debut painting for the foundation.
I was asked to create a piece to be auctioned off each year...
so, in order to fully express my feelings and capture both the heartbreaking loss of David
and the beautiful emerging body of work that is, the David Lytle Memorial Foundation,
I used every color in my paintbox.
This portrays how David soaked up all the colorful people, experiences and adventures he encountered thoughout his life. The bright and shiny, the dull, the dark, the pure, the wild, the cool...and he blended us all together, creating something that wasn't there before.
The landscape was painted to show the vastness of his world. As confined as he was, he lived a large life, far reaching, expansive.
The empty wheelchair, is a sad image, but it casts a living, growing shadow....all of us, we are Dave's living shadow, and it's just budding now,
The David Lytle Memorial Foundation is all about growth and possibilities.
I am honored to be a part of it.
Directly after speaking, I made a beeline for the back door...walked out...sat outside...but I heard that it went for $750.00. Humbling.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
sweet fairy tale dreams
Saturday, June 21, 2008
living lost
"Stand still. The trees ahead and bush beside you are not lost."
~Albert Einstein
"only when you are lost can love find itself in you without losing its way. "
~helene cixous
lost, is a common problem of mine, tends to occur between projects, as much as i fuss about deadlines...i do believe i would be a stagnant pool without the waves in the stormy sea of work to push me along.
I am facing a deadline right now. That painting. Yes, that one. The one to be auctioned off at David's benefit dinner. It makes me sad and I run away....or turn the stereo up to a deafening volume, or make yet another pot of coffee, I've also gone dancing, took the kids fishing, went to the pool and finished a book, I've played chutes and ladders and rode bikes. Procrastination is good for my children and friends and other jobs.
The work will be done. It always gets done. But in the meantime,
I'm living lost.
There are ghosties in the lost, memories and reality get mixed up and rolled together.
Being with friends and family when lost is okay...talking to strangers is not. Last night, while having a crazy fun time dancing to my favorite band, a stranger approached...i had no defense, not a clue what to do or say and so, i smiled and walked away...then left. May have confused the poor fella, but trust me, I am much more confused!
I was lost when I little and painfully shy, the lisp, the stutter kept me silent, when speech therapy was the only time I spoke in public.
Lost is okay, lost makes sense to me and my artist brain,
lost allows connections to form where there aren't any clear pathways.
Lost doesn't scare me. It reminds me of who I am.
this very bizzare rambling is nothing more than an attempt to make a little sense of where i am,
but without a clear, precise destination, I suppose here is just as good as anywhere.
“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. Which road do I take? she asked.
Where do you want to go? was his response.
I don't know, Alice answered.
Then, said the cat, it doesn't matter.”
Thursday, June 19, 2008
swan song
Doesn't this place just make you want to hang out here, so comfy and friendly.
wish series
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Treehouse
820 College Ave.Cleveland, Ohio 44113
"If down-to-earth is your style, stop in at the Treehouse, where the beer list is taller than the giant tree behind the bar." (a little review found on the web) seriously though, I fell in love with this building and the comfy cozy feel of the place.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
going sane
here she is, Imagine Studios....figure i don't have nearly enough stuff to do, only the benefit dinner and auction, 20+ paintings due within the week, hundreds of prints to scan and list for the book dealer, the twenty year high school reunion, volunteer for the swim team, little league games, soccer games...the mountains of laundry and the feeding of growing athletes...
highly distracted, this bright and shiny ( if only in my imagination) building caught my eye, a half mile from my house, a quick bike ride to work. :)
the plan, to offer classes here...rather than travel from one part of the state to the other...hold my own shows, pour my life into one neighborhood for once.
it needs a little work, has three rooms, this front one for the public, for classes and eventually monthly shows...the next room, nearly as big, for my own studio, there is a wall in this space where the bakery had commercial sinks ( I need to find myself some of these!)
this will also be a good place for my kids to hang out...then the back room has two little bathrooms ( much cleaning needed ) and walls of shelves, a nice little storage room.
Crazy excited about the prospect of this whole new venture. Will hang on to two of my teaching contracts and the work with the book dealer...crazy, but not stupid, will need the income.
I've been dreaming about this for so long, have notebooks full of details, plans, I need to transfer them all into something a left brained human can decipher. Spreadsheets, business plans, finances....not afraid, just have to remember $4.00 a that scares me!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
up and coming art shows
I'm setting up a show at the Treehouse in stuff goes up June 18th will be up during the two summer Art Walks, held on the second friday of each month. 20-some paintings/collage/sculpturey stuff, all brand new....
And...I'm participating in the JAR festival again this year, June Artists Review, downtown at the Galleria....this is always a great time, local bands, poetry,short plays, artists of all styles, the place is enormous, lots to see ........
Over 17,000 Square Feet to Showcase the Wealth of Art in Our Area.
The "JAR"We're Blowing the Lid Off the Art and Talent of Greater Cleveland!
Cleveland's First Truly Integrated Art Experience
And...June 28th is the David Lytle Memorial Foundation benefit dinner and auction...I am committed to donating a piece of art each year to be auctioned off. This painting is enormously hard to finish, too many emotions to handle sometimes, but it's coming together nicely. Dave was such a huge part of my life and really why I am confident enough to pursue this,( and my teaching, writing...) he encouraged me in a way I could 'hear'. I miss him intensely, but everyday am so thankful I had the time with him I did.
hope you all can stop in to see me at one of these events! I'll be the one with the too big smile, most likely laughing and gesturing for no apparent reason. :)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
seinfeld moment
Saturday, May 3, 2008
rough seas
I am in a funk, a serious nasty case of the down and outs. Things have been piling up on top of each other, a terrible tower of 'to do's'. Even though I really do love what I do for a living, all the pieces one by one are perfectly perfect for me, the deadlines this month have slammed me into a wall. I can't see a happy ending, even with my Pollyanna glasses on. There's too much, simply more than I can handle. I'm trying, squeezing every possible ounce of creative energy out of this vessel...but can't do it all.
I'm actually longing to do laundry or clean the bathroom, that is not normal.
The worst part is the deadlines, I don't mind the events so much, the dinners, the parents nights, the recitals... as the artificial 'complete by' mandates put down by the company I subcontract through. There is really no good reason to have these in place. I'm not so good with rules, ( hence the self employment), so the more I'm given these orders, the more I feel like rebeling...such a baby, I know. Writing this out is helpful.
All the school's are coming to an end, there are celebrations and events a teacher, I guess it looks as though I am a responsible adult, and so, get invited to chaperone trips. ( which I love ) Recently went as a driver/chaperone/judge to a fine art festival in southern ohio and in a couple weeks get an all expenses paid vacation to the Outer Banks..all I have to do is keep an eye on some graduated seniors. only, totally worth it.
There are only 36 hours left before this latest enormous project is due...those 36 hours have to include sleep time, coffee making time, potty time, talking to my kids time, maybe feeding the rate I've been going, this is a completely unrealistic timeline. I will give it my all, and probably hit it, just much as I hate rules and the same time, I love a challenge. Even if it throws me into the ugly lonelies and makes me want to toss my computer out the window...I will most likely do this again in a couple weeks and then probably bid on another completely unrealistic project .... get it..... and then long to clean my closet.....
Friday, April 11, 2008
knew me when
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Caution Tape
the road falls away.
dark clouds loom
cracks, loose gravel, a detour sign
the secret world within is greater than the reality without
she observes, loosely, distracted thought
in creation
in the energy of life
she meanders along
stopping only to touch
live wires
addicted to the shock
the waves of electricity
the current of her feelings
i wish
begins every sentence
wide eyed and dreaming
she walks.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
it's my birthday
it's my birthday......
....and i'll wish if i want to...because that's what you do on birthdays. i wrote 38 wishes down in my journal this morning, threw birthday dust on my kids and spun it through the house....thought i'd post my wishes, but then, if i did, they wouldn't come true, unrevokable birthday knowledge.
This is my all time favorite holiday. My birthday. The day I came to life. How can you not celebrate this, how can people mourn their birthdays, dread them....i will never understand. The other holidays are all so much work, so many expectations and requirments. Your birthday is just that, yours. Do something different each year, or nothing at all. Lovely. sit back, enjoy.
After knowing more of my story, finding out who i really am, and how i came to be...this day holds so much more emotion for me, makes so much more sense.
The silver cords that bind each of us to those we love are tugged a little harder, the memories pass a little sharper, the connections seem uncanny. Sometime over the night, the woman who haunts my sleep, and the man who loves her with a romantic fierceness fairytales are made of, broke her hip. This man who loves her, accidently fell on her. This couple i wrote of so many times, this couple who raised me and like the fairies in rumplestilsken, blessed me with unusual gifts, and as their legend goes, "they will one day die beside each other, like romeo and juliet, one cannot live without the other" he followed the ambulance to the hospital, complained of chest pains, so he wouldn't be forced to leave her side, besides, he didn't know his way home from this strange hospital, far away form the solar paneled house they built in the Michigan woods with their own hands. Today, of all days. Fitting somehow.
... i opened a message, 'happy birthday' from a part of my life that i've always known, but never knew. this girl who i've seen in fits and starts, who disapears and becomes unknowable...just like i do...who lives inside out and upside down...on purpose sometimes...just like i many years, so many memories...all different, but the same.
today, yes, it's fitting. connections and silver cords and pieces of my heart thrown about like the magical birthday dust i pretend we are full of on our birthdays. It's meant to share and sprinkle and create tsunami waves of love....
thank you jacqueline, i love you too.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
heart games
blame boredom
tossing my heart into fast moving traffic
just to watch it squirm as it dodges
leaps and lunges to avoid sheer disaster
strangely addictive
dangerous, evil even
my heart is so fragile
i feel the need to toughen it up
it’s naive
people with road rage confuse her
Maybe it’s not so bad
maybe i’m like a mama bird pushing her out to learn to fly
or a trainer getting her ready for the big day
or, maybe it’s punishment for leaving me wide open
not locking the doors
or turning out the light
whatever the reason
i toss it out again and again
she always comes back
a little worse for the wear
a bit bruised
but wiser
solitary confinment
besides, i travel through this life a million miles an hour, rushing here, rushing there, behind schedule on everything, like the white rabbit in wonderland, i’m late, i’m late for a very important date. everything seems important, urgent, necessary....but this weekend....i got to travel at a leisurly 70 mile per hour pace...alone.
everything stopped.
traveling alone in a car for so many hoursmy soul got a chance to stretch out in the backseatthoughts finally got a chance to speak their mind and even converseamongst themselves. although, often, i’d have to turn the radio up to chest thumbing, earsplitting volumes to drown out their intenstity especially when the thoughts would start to get too personal, start pushing my buttons.
after the funeral i checked into a hotel. alone. i drew. swam, listened to music, took a bath, watched a movie, read a book, slept with no alarm, i could run away, i could live in this hotel i thought, forever...then i got the bill under my door and realized home was a much better deal.
the drive back was uneventful, my mind shifted to neutral, relaxed, driving under blue skies, everything seems okay again,
manageable chaos.
physically and mentally, home.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
fairy tale ending
Some couples talk about what each other should do when they die, where important documents are, should I sell the house, remarry....not these two romantic, they knew one couldn’t exist without the other...besides they craved the drama, the romeo and juliet passion, their to hell with what people think mindset. I was little, living in their home, listening to the beautiful, tragic ending of this couple again and again. She’d wear a fancy long silk nightgown and robe, he’d wear two piece striped pajamas, they’d take a long nap, side by side for eternity. It was death, but they made it sound so beautiful.
Being told this story for so many years, I knew it was coming, I know people die, I know grandparents won’t be around forever, I know. And the sadness isn’t the helpless feeling that I had when friends or friends children die. It’s not the shock and pain of sudden loss or the agony of a drawn out illness. It’s the end of the best story I ever read. It’s the closing of the book. The selfish sadness of not being able to show her my purple office decorated in her eccentric style or have her ooo and ahh over a new painting, or share words, one poet to another.
Shirley, the poet, songwriter, artist, birdloving gardener. The one with the solar powered house, in the middle of michigan wilderness, with homemade security systems and flowers galore. Trips to Nashville to plug demo tapes and accept awards. Black coffee, dark chocolate, jump ropes, suntanning in the buff.
The world didn’t exist for her most of the time, reality wasn’t necessary, she built her world, she wrote the story, she played the beautiful leading lady, her deep blue eyes and black as night hair, shy, but certain. She knew the end. She wrote it.
Monday, March 24, 2008
It may be true that misery loves company,
but sadness, sadness just needs space.
Sadness soaks up the tears, fills up every pore.
The memories need to marinate.
The soul quietly collects its souvenirs before moving along
Sadness calls you to look her in the eye
gaze inside, don’t be afraid
the water is deep, still and crystal clear
pause. look. remember.
rest your head on her lap
she’s gentle, and soft...but strong, lean in
sadness supports you now
shut your eyes,
no words, no questions
there’s no comfort in answers
just rest and sadness will
rock you to sleep
Thursday, March 20, 2008
'Little Red'
playing with a new scanner, pulled this off my mantle, it's rough, but it's mine, i made this a few years ago.
i love this fairy tale with a bizarre intensity, through libary book sales and thrift stores i have numerous versions of this...and... my winter coat looks very similiar to hers. :)
the big bad wolf, the woods, grandma's house...these are a few of my favorite things.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
i read
i am a reader,
i read all the time.
stealing moments,
i read like a starving wolf,
gulping words,
devouring pages,
looking for something lost in the dark.
i read
as i walk through the house
carry books in the car in case a meeting is postponed or there is a major delay on the freeway
i prop books up while loading the dishwasher,. folding laundry, waiting for web pages to load
this obsession isn't new, but it's taken on a new life
i read rather than sleep anymore
the words not fully making their way to my brain
but necessary all the same.